Off To Sea

A Journey from Oil Rig to Contract Award
In short
When it comes to securing contracts in the competitive offshore oil and gas industry, visualization can be a game-changer. Our recent project with an industry-leading contractor proves just that. We were tasked with modeling an oil rig platform and an adjoining Floating Storage Offloading (FSO) vessel. The results? Our renders played a key role in our client's successful contract award.
Soechi Lines
Engineering Visualisation
Project Design
May 2023

The Challenge

This project was not just about crafting realistic models; it was about creating assets that could convey the complexities of a large-scale offshore operation. Given the specialized nature of the oil rig and FSO vessel, attention to technical details was paramount.

Oil Rig Platform

The platform model required extensive detailing to replicate the real-life intricacies of an oil rig. From drilling equipment to safety features, we ensured each component was accurate and up to industry standards.

Floating Storage Offloading (FSO) Vessel

The adjoining FSO vessel was no less complicated. It needed to capture storage capacities, process facilities, and the vessel's structural design accurately, all in a way that was easy to understand during presentations.

The Proposal and Presentation

Our client used the 3D models in their proposal and various presentations, where they needed to effectively communicate the project’s scope and viability to win the contract. The visual aids helped in making a complex operation easily understandable, thus boosting our client's credibility.

Tools and Technology

Given the high-stakes nature of the project, we deployed leading software tools like Cinema 4D and Lumion to ensure absolute fidelity in our models. From engineering designs to vessel spreads, we aimed for the pinnacle of technical accuracy.


By combining our technical expertise with advanced 3D modeling technology, we were able to create impactful visual assets for our client. The end result not only met but exceeded their expectations, culminating in the award of a valuable contract.

The results were rocket-ish

Based on the research, we created wireframes to map out the new website's layout and navigation. These wireframes were then reviewed and refined with the company's stakeholders to ensure they aligned with the company's goals and objectives.


With the wireframes as a guide, we got to work on the design of the website.

We kept the design clean and modern with a focus on making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need.

We also incorporated the company's branding to give the website a cohesive look and feel.

Webflow Development

With the design complete, I moved on to development using Webflow. This allowed us to create a responsive website that looks and functions great on all devices. We also integrated various features such as a contact form and live chat to make it easy for users to connect with the company.


The end result was a website that was easy to navigate and provided a great user experience. The website received positive feedback from users and the company saw an increase in user engagement and conversions.

In conclusion, with a little bit of research, wireframing, design, and Webflow development magic, XYZ's website went from being a maze to a smooth experience for users."

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